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Contact Us Business Hours: Sunday to Friday AM:10:00 – PM:8:00 〈最好先電話預約〉 Saturday and long weekend(holiday) AM:10:00 – PM:9:00 The MDSS Vacation Villa Address:No.9, Ln. 6, Sec. 1, Zhonghe St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 426, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL:(04) 25810777 Mobile:+886 953-310335、+886 921-724969 FAX:(04) 25813385 E-Mail: tootyaya@hotmail.com E-Mail: service@mutianhsuan.com.tw
Stories 民宿介紹 All the dreams are come with unexpected and surprised at the beginning. It has been nearly 20 years since our family move from the city to rural area; this lovely place is full of fruits and mushroom with a pretty simple life style. Lot of difficult and stories……