The MuTianHsuan Vacation Villa
All the dreams are come with unexpected and surprised at the beginning.
The MuTianHsuan Vacation Villa
It has been nearly 20 years since our family move from the city to rural area;
this lovely place is full of fruits and mushroom with a pretty simple life style.
Lot of difficult and stories are accompanied by,
But all of these become our best memory and treasure to our MuTianHsuan Minsu.
News & Activity
Business Hours:
Sunday to Friday AM:10:00 – PM:8:00
Saturday and long weekend(holiday) AM:10:00 – PM:9:00The MuTianHsuan Vacation Villa
Address:No.9, Ln. 6, Sec. 1, Zhonghe St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 426, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Mobile:+886 953-310335、+886 921-724969
E-Mail: service@mutianhsuan.com.tw